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Month of the Green Man

Members of Abelina's Grove were hard at work this weekend, as the Green Man Alliance took over the Mead Hall for a day of planting, socializing, and Phoenix's 1st year ceremony, with a dedication to the Mother Goddess Gaia, patroness of the GMA.

In the morning, the GMA planted a new vegetable garden in the backyard of the Mead Hall, with pepper, rosemary, catnip, and zucchini and other edible plants meant for future rituals. Pest control is all natural with the GMA, no chemicals will be found in this garden. Instead, the birdbath attracts the local bird families who can eat the bugs, a colony of ladybugs lives nearby and will make its way inside the garden, and the entire vegetable garden will be filled with Marigold seeds to keep aphids at bay.

Next, the Grove relaxed during a social time and potluck starring dishes like Opal Luna's tator tot delights and Phoenix's wonderful salad.

At 3, it was time to finally celebrate Phoenix and her dedication to Gaia. After a series of medical delays, she didn't want to lose any more time before her ceremony. So, to wrap up Green Man Day at the Mead Hall, we made this happen.

An altar dedicated to the Goddess Gaia, with plantings which Phoenix brought as a gift for those attending her ritual.

All Hail our new Baron, Baron Phoenix of Abelina's Grove!

Stay tuned here for more postings during Green Man Month at Abelina's Grove. Next week, a ritual to our local Earth Mother, Lady Florida.

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